Seeds of Joy

The garden looks pretty much like this these days. But inside the house, there’s a growing stack of seed catalogs. Can I admit that I love reading seed catalogs at least as much as I love actually ordering and planting the seeds? I love the watercolor illustrations, the effusive descriptions of yields and colors, and of course the names of new varieties and old favorites. 

This week, I’m eyeing “Raspberry Sorbet” zinnias, “Chocolate Cherry” sunflowers,  “Camp Joy” cherry tomatoes, and a new variety of snap pea (“Little Crunch”) that will grow in a container if you’re short on space (or just want to keep your peas on the back deck, away from marauding deer…)

In case you’re in need of a little winter color, here are a few of my favorite seed sources…

Renee’s Garden Seeds

Territorial Seed Company 

John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds

Here’s to all the joy we’ll sow…this season and beyond…



For all the earth