For all the earth


Dear ones,

I find myself praying as I walk through forest and field these days. Praying with my mind as it sifts through the news of the day; praying with my feet as I send peace into the body of Earth. With every muddy, snowy footstep, I am sending healing love to all beings, even (and especially) those whose minds have been hijacked by the hunger for war.

As always, I’m thinking a lot about the kids among us, wondering how best to offer the kind of honest courage and comfort that will help them to navigate a world that needs their wholeness and healing love.

Strategies for Talking with Children

For those of you who have children in your life, I want to offer you some strategies that I have found helpful over the years when talking with kids about painful or difficult events.  If you have friends and family members who may be able to use this resource, please feel free to forward this email using the “forward” buttons at the top and bottom of this message.

Click to download the free PDF

Care in Conflict

As I write to you, news of the world, and of the conflict in Ukraine, continues to arrive, to change, and to call for our discerning attention. I hope that as each day’s events unfold, you will take gentle care of yourself and the ones you love, even as you listen very closely for the particular gifts you are called offer to your community and to a world in need. As always, if you would like some support to deepen your own spiritual practice, or to help the kids in your life, I’m here. Please do reach out if you feel that some one-on-one spiritual mentoring with me would be helpful to you or to your family this season: CONTACT ME.

Wherever you are, whatever hopes and fears are arising for you, please know that you are not alone. You are on my heart. And I am giving thanks for all the many ways you offer healing and hope to the world each day.

Deep peace to you, and to all on Earth,



Comfort and Challenge


Seeds of Joy