Disclaimer for Spiritual Direction, Group Meetings, and Retreats
As an ordained minister with training in spiritual direction and energy healing, I work with clients to help them listen to their own deep wisdom in the service of living in more authentic and spiritually fulfilling ways. I am not a licensed health professional and my services do not in any way replace the care from mental health or other health care professionals. My services do not in any way relate to medical and/or psychological clinical treatment and I do not diagnose or treat any diseases or disorders.
Spiritual direction, group meetings and/or retreats are not intended as therapy, counseling, psychotherapy, and/or mental health services and are not intended as professional advice. Spiritual direction, group meetings and/or retreats are not recognized, approved, and/or regulated medical, mental or psychotherapeutic treatment. Rather, they are methods to increase self-awareness in the context of spiritual companionship and community. Spiritual direction, group meetings, and/or retreats are not for everyone. Some individuals may find that issues discussed in these settings can be challenging. It may be beneficial to discuss any issues that arise during individual or group meetings with medical or therapeutic professionals. Participants in any ministry are always in full control of any session and may end the session or remove themselves at any time.
Website Content Disclaimer
All creative content found on this website dealing with suggestions for increased spiritual wellness are to be considered as opinions and are not meant to be prescriptive. Before beginning any practice that may affect mental and physical health, we suggest the decision be processed with an appropriate medical provider. The website user is responsible to seek professional advice from their medical provider or a licensed counselor.